Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Impact of news technologies on our lives.


This cartoon deals with the evolution of the impact of the news technologies on our lives.
We can see, two parts in this document: at the left, ( in 1990 ) there is a man, he is thin and doesn't look joyful.At his next, there is a large television. At the right ( in 2008 ), there is a man, he is really fat and doesn't look pleased too. Perapse is the same man because he wear the same clothes but twenty years after ) . There is a flat screen nearby.
At my opinion, this cartoon highlight two things :
The first one, is the evolution of the news technologies ( in this case, the television ) who has developped so much at the 20th and 21th centuries.Thus,we can see that the screen has become thinner thanks to the technological advances.
The second one is the impact on the people. The character has become fat, in opposition with his screen. For me, this cartoon give more food for thought...
I think the news technologies have a big impact in our socity, because we can feel this impact everywhere and at everymoment in our lives. Indeed, today, my generation is accustom to use everytime the technologies. We use TV, Internet, Smartphone, ect and I think we can't without because we are borned with. And we use it for all the thing of  the today's life: we call people everyday whith a smartphone while we whritten cards ten years ago, or we send mail. We buy on the web, we watch TV for get some information or search in Google instead of read: the medias has changed.
Therefore, I think today we live with news technologies and we can't live without because it's more easy and lots of us are computer-friendly. Technologies is everywhere ( in the kitchen with cooks-robots, in the information, the medias,ect...) and it's something which our grandparents don't are accutumate but our generation yes. 

Friday 19 September 2014



This scene takes place in an office. There are two men, and visibly, they wear the office's uniform.The first man is standing and watching the other person, he looks skeptical and baffled.

The second person,is sitting at a desk, where there are a desktop, and electronic devices ( a monitor, large speakers, a keyboard...), and he looks overjoyed and excited too !

This cartoon deals with Internet addiction. The person tries to kick his addiction but he is surfing the web to do it : it's completely paradoxical !
As a result, I think this picture is satirical and tries to make us aware of Internet addiction. 

Kicking his addiction like that is contradictory, because it's like trying to kick a drinking addiction with a glass of wine !

This picture concerns many people because there are so many Internet users and they can be addicted as well.

And on the  one hand, this addiction  depends on the degree of computer use. But you can't be addicted if you use the computer carefully.

But, on the other hand, the people addicted  cut themselves off and isolate themselves  from the others, but they need the others for kick their addiction.
 Moreover, I think this  cartoon is representative of today's world and today's generations . 

Definitely, I think it's a serious addiction, and we must bear this in mind and help the people who are addicted.