Friday 9 January 2015



This city takes place in the east of France, in Burgondy, Côte d'Or. 
It's a really old city, and it's the capital of Burgondy. It's famous for his Ducs de Bourgogne, who were very important people during seven centuries ( IXth- XVth ).  
In the town centre, there are many timbered houses, cobbled streets : this medieval legacy is very protected. 

Ther are many parks too. for example : Darcy's park, Arquebuse's park are parks in the town centre. 


The Ducs' palace and his place are really popular : 


One mores of this city consists in strock a statuette of a owl. It takes place on a wall of the church Notre-Dame. Every people, touchs it with his left hand,and make a wish. If he wants his wish comes true, he doesn't looks at the salamander located on a stained-glass window on his left side. 
 In Dijon, we have many mores, the most famous is "Le ban Bourgignon", It's a song khown by everybody, of all generations. We sing this at wedding, at ceremonies, or simply when someone blunded.  it started in the Montchapet's heigtboorhood, in 1905, during a village fair. 

Many artits who don't know that song are surpised  when the audience stars the "ban Bourgignon" at the end of a concert.  

The gastronomy characteristic too, mostly the Dijon's mustard. In 1752, Jean Naigeon create this recipe, ... But the grain don't come from this place ( from Canada, for example ! ) and it's makes in villages surrounding 5 Fleurey-sur -Ouche, Cheviny-Saint-Sauveur,ect...). 
Moreover,the wine from Burgondy is also very famous too.  

Dijon is a very plaisant city, so... See you soon in the capital of Burgondy !



This movie is directed by Peter Weir, released in 1985, starring Harrison Ford. 

I have seen the film, but a long time ago, so I remember a little bit what is about. 
It deals with an Amish boy who is the witness of a murder, A policeman ( Harrison Ford ) protects this little boy and his mother. To do this, Harrison Ford integrates himself in the Amish population and adopts their customs. At the end, he falls in love with this culture and the lady who  is protects. 
I think this is  a police movie.