Friday 9 January 2015



This city takes place in the east of France, in Burgondy, Côte d'Or. 
It's a really old city, and it's the capital of Burgondy. It's famous for his Ducs de Bourgogne, who were very important people during seven centuries ( IXth- XVth ).  
In the town centre, there are many timbered houses, cobbled streets : this medieval legacy is very protected. 

Ther are many parks too. for example : Darcy's park, Arquebuse's park are parks in the town centre. 


The Ducs' palace and his place are really popular : 


One mores of this city consists in strock a statuette of a owl. It takes place on a wall of the church Notre-Dame. Every people, touchs it with his left hand,and make a wish. If he wants his wish comes true, he doesn't looks at the salamander located on a stained-glass window on his left side. 
 In Dijon, we have many mores, the most famous is "Le ban Bourgignon", It's a song khown by everybody, of all generations. We sing this at wedding, at ceremonies, or simply when someone blunded.  it started in the Montchapet's heigtboorhood, in 1905, during a village fair. 

Many artits who don't know that song are surpised  when the audience stars the "ban Bourgignon" at the end of a concert.  

The gastronomy characteristic too, mostly the Dijon's mustard. In 1752, Jean Naigeon create this recipe, ... But the grain don't come from this place ( from Canada, for example ! ) and it's makes in villages surrounding 5 Fleurey-sur -Ouche, Cheviny-Saint-Sauveur,ect...). 
Moreover,the wine from Burgondy is also very famous too.  

Dijon is a very plaisant city, so... See you soon in the capital of Burgondy !

1 comment:

  1. Very personal.
    Unfortunately, your commentary is spoiled by a lot of mistakes.
