Friday 15 May 2015



Definition of American Dream: 

In my opinion, the american dream embodies freedom and opportunities. It symbolizes the success of everyone who want it, into  every areas. The main thing that needs to be said is that it's the result of a really hard work or risk taking that's why it could be aspired by everyone, from all social or economic classes, because it depend on your own motivation and mindset. 
American dream is usually hint at immigration. Much of immigrant believe in this model that consists in go to America, and by all possibles ways archive to have a good life ( a family, a financial security, a good job, more freedom,ect...that is not always true in all countries).

Document 1: 

This document is a graph who is showing what is the first terms which  american people think and hint at "American dream". We can say that the word the most commonly thinking is "Family"that embodies the american model.
The second one is "Opportunities" : for many people, America representes luck.
The third one is "Freedom" which gives an impression of more equality, and it's usually thinking that America has many laws but allows you to be more free that any other countries ( which is the image that gives America ).
The other terms are "Financial security" "Happiness","A good job", Home ownership", "Wealth",and 7% represents other things and "don't know".
What surprise me is the place of "Happiness", I'm quite convinced that is the term who encompass the other because all of them is a way to be happy and participate in happiness...

Document 2 :

This second document show percentages too, but put it differently. Indeed, it show things that participate in American dream but much more material. In this graphthe different part are:   47% is "Having enough money for retirement", 17% is " Owning a home", 5% is "retiring early",5% is " Payinf for child's education", 4% is "Having money to invest", 4% Paying off college loans", 3% is "Starting own business" and the last is " Owning a car". It's the opposite of the fisrt document, in this one, the American Dream is only material. It gives us another vision of happiness, because according to this graph, the American dream depend of a good retirement, and all with respect to money. That's why is a redefinition of the American Dream.  


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  3. Well done overall.
    A very personal definition of the American Dream. Too bad you did not add a more 'sophisticated' one.
    On the other hand, your analysis of both documents is pertinent albeit not very well expressed grammatically speaking. A pity!
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