Friday 15 May 2015



Definition of American Dream: 

In my opinion, the american dream embodies freedom and opportunities. It symbolizes the success of everyone who want it, into  every areas. The main thing that needs to be said is that it's the result of a really hard work or risk taking that's why it could be aspired by everyone, from all social or economic classes, because it depend on your own motivation and mindset. 
American dream is usually hint at immigration. Much of immigrant believe in this model that consists in go to America, and by all possibles ways archive to have a good life ( a family, a financial security, a good job, more freedom,ect...that is not always true in all countries).

Document 1: 

This document is a graph who is showing what is the first terms which  american people think and hint at "American dream". We can say that the word the most commonly thinking is "Family"that embodies the american model.
The second one is "Opportunities" : for many people, America representes luck.
The third one is "Freedom" which gives an impression of more equality, and it's usually thinking that America has many laws but allows you to be more free that any other countries ( which is the image that gives America ).
The other terms are "Financial security" "Happiness","A good job", Home ownership", "Wealth",and 7% represents other things and "don't know".
What surprise me is the place of "Happiness", I'm quite convinced that is the term who encompass the other because all of them is a way to be happy and participate in happiness...

Document 2 :

This second document show percentages too, but put it differently. Indeed, it show things that participate in American dream but much more material. In this graphthe different part are:   47% is "Having enough money for retirement", 17% is " Owning a home", 5% is "retiring early",5% is " Payinf for child's education", 4% is "Having money to invest", 4% Paying off college loans", 3% is "Starting own business" and the last is " Owning a car". It's the opposite of the fisrt document, in this one, the American Dream is only material. It gives us another vision of happiness, because according to this graph, the American dream depend of a good retirement, and all with respect to money. That's why is a redefinition of the American Dream.  

Friday 13 March 2015


Primary elements of  the Thriller as a genre
Witness as a thriller
Illustration in the film
1.Central protagonist(s)

The central protagonist(s) faces death, their own or someone else's.
In Witness, the main character, John, is a police officer, in his job, he faces the death again and again. In the car park, for example, he is wounded seriously by the shot of McFee.
2.Force(s) of antagonism

The force/s of antagonism must initially be clever and/or stronger than the protagonist.
The force of antagonism is stronger than the protagonist because he doesn’t know who are the murderer but the murderer knows where he is.
3.Main storyline

The main storyline for the protagonist is either a quest or the character who cannot be put down.
The  main storyline, is to sue the murderer, thus is a long quest . 

4.Main plotline

The main plot line focuses on a mystery that must be solved.
Indeed, John searchs McFee and his dirty cops during the whole film. This is the mystery that must be solved.
5.Narrative construction

The film's narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist's point of view.
The majority of the film is dominated by the protagonist’s point of view. But the viewer is omniscient too, because he knows what the dirty cops is doing and not the main character.
6.Action and characters

All action and characters must be credibly realistic/natural in their representation on screen.

Except the fact that the Amish are not really plain, they are realist, and all the protagonists are too. They are natural because we see their troubles and feelings. 

7.Major themes

The two major themes that underpin the Thriller are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals.

The desire for justice is really omnipresent because John wants sue the dirty cops and do all he can to do this.
8.Small but significant aspect

One small but significant aspect of a great thriller is the presence of innocence in what is seen as an essentially corrupt world.

The innocence is represented by Samuel, the witness, who is a little boy. He is naive but ingenious. 

Sunday 8 March 2015


WITNESS as a Documentary on the Amish way of life

The Amish way of life

Witness as a documentary:
Illustration in the film

The Ordnung regulates private, public, and ceremonial behavior.
à Men and women are expected  to wear distinctive clothing.
à Members must  speak a German or Swiss dialect.
à Owning an automobileis forbidden.
 Instead, members ______ _____________   to travel by horse and buggy.
à It is forbidden to own a television, radio, camera, or computer.
à Higher education such as high school and college is generally not allowed.
àDivorce is forbidden.
àJoining the military is forbidden.
àIt is taboo to  wear jewelry or any other ornament or garment that emphasizes vanity.
àCommunity members are _____ ___________  to sue anyone.
àMembers ________ use self-propelled farm machinery.
àIt is ___________ ____tap electricity from public utility lines.

®      When John wears an amish clothes to go to the city.
®      At the beginning, in the church, they speak a German dialect.
®      We see the difference in the city, the horse and buggy are at the next of  the horse and buggy, that creats a  gap. They use the horse and buggy during all the film.
®      The sherif can’t tell the Amish because they don’t have cellphone.
®      We suppose that Rachel doesn’t love really her husband but she can’t divroce.
®      Rachel and the others women don’t wear any jewerls.
®      It’s not their logic, because they are surprised with the way while John sue the dirty cops.
®      We see the machinery, John  kills someone in.
®      We see the women takes water at the well during the barn-raising.
Based upon religious scriptures, the Amish believe that avoided by active members in all social and business activities. However, the offenders are always welcomed back to the community if they repent.
Members who are excommunicated and shunned are avoided by active members in all social and business activities
However, the offenders are always welcomed back to the community if they repent.

®      If  Rachel is shunned, she will not can accept and give something at the other Amish, including her familly.
She will not can comes back at home, and into the Amish community, and their church. Eli tells her when he sees her with Book.  
Mennonite and Amish history is generally thought to begin
on January 21, 1525  in  Zurich, Switzerland
Who was Jacob Amman? What did he do? When? Where?
In 1693, in the Alsace region Jacob Amman formed his own Christian fellowship because he felt that the Mennonite Church did not exercise enough church discipline or maintain a strong enough spiritual life.
When did the Amish first migrate to the USA?
The first migrations of the Amish began in the 1720's.

An Amish barn raising is an important example of the selfless practice of assisting one's RELATIVES, neighbors and community through life's many hardships that characterizes the Amish people of Lancaster County. It is such close-knit devotion and loyalty that has protected the community over the generations.
In fact, the Amish barn raising experience becomes a social occasion bonding the families and neighbors in mutual assistance. 


®     When John gives an helping hand at the barn-raising, we see that is a real event, for the whole family and community, and his help is welcomed.
Amish religion is based  tenets of early Christianity and a desire to be faithful to God.

They believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that the Church is the body of Christ fulfilling God's purposes on earth. 
Amish beliefs also emphasize the importance of humility, obedience, and simplicity.
They believe that true Christians should never use violence or force.
®      In the film, the Amish religion is really present, they do their prayer before eat, and Eli asks John for don’t use the violence and don’t fight back.
Although modest and simple,the typical Amish house reflects the importance of  the family, daily work, and humility.

Amish homes are usually large with two stories since many Amish families consist of six or seven children. The homes tend to be plain and are usually painted white, green, blue or brown which are the  colors of nature.

®      We see in the film that the house ( after  the funeral, the whole family  get together, and show the amish house ) is very simple, and modest, for example, Rachel doesn’t have a real bathroom and must take a  sponge’s bath.

In Lancaster County, there is a tradition that Amish church services are held in the homes of the congregation
This Amish tradition expresses the  simplicity, purity, and community spirit that is so essential to the Amish faith and way of  life.
The Amish women are required to prepare the communal meal which is served at noon in the home of the member HOSTING the service
®      The amish church is  in the barn, for example, the funeral takes place in the barn, next to the house.  
Amish women are expected to  place the needs of their family, church, and community above their own.
They are responsible  for managing the household, preparing the food, sewing and ironing the family clothes, and assisting the needs of their neighbors.

®      Rachel  shows that the needs of her family, church and community place above hers own.  Indeed, she is really devoted to her church because she doesn’t leaves her community for Book, she is always taking care of  Samuel, Eli, John, she cleans the house and cooks ( for example during the barn-raising istead of eating she serves ).
Amish children are disciplined to be respectful and obedient to their elders.
To prevent their children from becoming spoiled, the parents teach their children to "surrender" their selfish  will as opposed to always trying to get their own way.

®      Samuel  is polite and  listens at the adults, for example when Eli explains him that he is not allowed to touch the gun, and also when he is witness, he doesn’t talks  this  twisted to and trough .  
Old Order Amish men and boys generally wear dark suits without lapels which fasten with hooks rather than buttons.
Quote 6 items of clothing that women and girls wear:
1. a cape 2. the dress 3. the bodice
4. black shoes 5. hair uncut 6.  black bonnet
What do they never wear?
1. jewelry 2. make-up
®      When  Rachel  gives the  clothes to John,  and tells him that he looks “plain”.  During the whole movie, anyone wear any jewelry or make-up. But every women wear the bonnet ( that is  set  values  when Rachel takes it off  to  kiss  John, that is really symbolic ) .

Monday 23 February 2015

POST 8 two main characters

My link is :

Friday 9 January 2015



This city takes place in the east of France, in Burgondy, Côte d'Or. 
It's a really old city, and it's the capital of Burgondy. It's famous for his Ducs de Bourgogne, who were very important people during seven centuries ( IXth- XVth ).  
In the town centre, there are many timbered houses, cobbled streets : this medieval legacy is very protected. 

Ther are many parks too. for example : Darcy's park, Arquebuse's park are parks in the town centre. 


The Ducs' palace and his place are really popular : 


One mores of this city consists in strock a statuette of a owl. It takes place on a wall of the church Notre-Dame. Every people, touchs it with his left hand,and make a wish. If he wants his wish comes true, he doesn't looks at the salamander located on a stained-glass window on his left side. 
 In Dijon, we have many mores, the most famous is "Le ban Bourgignon", It's a song khown by everybody, of all generations. We sing this at wedding, at ceremonies, or simply when someone blunded.  it started in the Montchapet's heigtboorhood, in 1905, during a village fair. 

Many artits who don't know that song are surpised  when the audience stars the "ban Bourgignon" at the end of a concert.  

The gastronomy characteristic too, mostly the Dijon's mustard. In 1752, Jean Naigeon create this recipe, ... But the grain don't come from this place ( from Canada, for example ! ) and it's makes in villages surrounding 5 Fleurey-sur -Ouche, Cheviny-Saint-Sauveur,ect...). 
Moreover,the wine from Burgondy is also very famous too.  

Dijon is a very plaisant city, so... See you soon in the capital of Burgondy !



This movie is directed by Peter Weir, released in 1985, starring Harrison Ford. 

I have seen the film, but a long time ago, so I remember a little bit what is about. 
It deals with an Amish boy who is the witness of a murder, A policeman ( Harrison Ford ) protects this little boy and his mother. To do this, Harrison Ford integrates himself in the Amish population and adopts their customs. At the end, he falls in love with this culture and the lady who  is protects. 
I think this is  a police movie.